Thursday, 6 February 2014

Google puts youtube videos first in google music searches

An example of Google's new search-result style.

Google is rolling out a new feature that pushes YouTube videos to the top of search results. Search for a song and you'll now see a Google Now-like card appear at the top of your results, containing a link to the video for the song as well as information on the artist, album, and release date. As Search Engine Watch reports, the cards look a lot like a playable videos, but they're actually just images that redirect to YouTube.

For the vast majority of searches, the tracks featured in the new card interface are official videos from artist pages or publishers' accounts, but there are occasions where an unlicensed video is linked to. 100 percent of the time, however the link points to a YouTube channel, which Google is no doubt hoping will drive even more people to its popular video site.


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